Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Good Christians are Not Always Patriotic

In mid June I took my box of 300 copies of the "Affidavit of Conscientious Objection" to the Pacific Northwest Conference of the Free Methodist Church annual Leadership Summit. I was able to distribute copies of this to several Free Methodist elders, including one who works at a denominational level, and another who works for a local Free Methodist institution.

My goal is not to make trouble, but it seems like trouble will find me in this effort. I want other local Free Methodists to get the statement notarized and filed with the conference and General Conference. I want young people to be aware that there is an option for those who believe that war is contrary to the spirit and teachings of Jesus.

What would Jesus do, indeed?

1 comment:

  1. Rick, I did not know you were doing this. I applaud your witness on this. Appreciate your posts on your blog, too. The witness for peacemaking and creative nonviolence is worth whatever marginalization it may appear to cause. Keep swimming upstream.
