Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Who is winning this war?

It is pretty much "life as normal" in the United States. We're battling back from an economic downturn. And we are fighting a war, on two fronts.

How much does that even play into the daily lives of most people? I would say "Not at all." Unless you have a family member in the service, unless you've lost someone, you aren't paying much attention. Think about that. Your nation is at war, and you rarely have front page news about the war effort. And there is very little call to sacrifice. Because basically, despite all the rhetoric, WE DON'T CARE.

This morning on the radio I heard an amazing statistic. For each soldier deployed, it costs US taxpayers, borrowing from the Chinese, about $1.2 million dollars a year. For each.

The biggest bargain of course is the salary of the fighting man. The biggest expense is fuel costs. It is astronomical how expensive it is, to move war materials and troops around. Have you checked the mileage on an armored troop carrier lately? Didn't think so.

Osama bin Ladin's goal for this armed conflict was to bankrupt the United States. In all the yakking in Washington DC about cutting the budget, do you think anyone suggests that military waste is the reason we're in this mess? That unjustified and impossible-to-win military involvements are the ultimate crime against the poor. Who is winning this war? Osama now has a presence in Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan; despite all our fighting he still is present in Afghanistan. And Libya will also prove to be rich recruiting ground very soon.

Are you feeling any safer, now that we owe trillions to foreign investors?

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